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Chennai School of Music Therapy

Taking Traditions to Clinical Practice

Veleer Erp Advisory and Consulting

Advisory Board

Priv.Doz.Mag.Dr.Gerhard Tucek
a Socio-Cultural anthropologist, educationalist and a registered music therapist is presently the Program Director of Music Therapy at the Department for Health Sciences at the IMC University of Applied Sciences in Krems, Austria . He was the Program Director for Oriental & Ethno-Music Therapy in Austria until 2009.
He is a lecturer at the Medical University of Vienna and the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna. He is the founding and board member of IMARAA(International Music and Art Research Association, Austria and a founding member of the International Association for Music and Medicine. Since 2009, he is the coordinator for musictherapy programmes in Lower Austria Health and Social Fund-NOGUS and responsible for developing therapy- and research-programs in 27 clinics. He is Organiser of the World Congress of Music Therapy in Krems,  Austria in July 2014 and is also in the editorial board of Journal Music Therapy Today.

Dr. Jorg Fachner
Educationalist, and Social Scientist holds a PhD in Medicine. He was senior research fellow at the Chair for Qualitative Research in Medicine at Witten/Herdecke University. There he did EEG research on music perception and consciousness and co-edited an international eJournal (MusicTherapyToday)and info-site on music therapy research and practice (MusicTherapyWorld) He was senior researcher at the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research. His EEG research in music therapy focused on depression and stroke.

Currently, he is Professor, Music, Health and Brain at Anglina Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. He published many journal articles and book chapters. The latest book publication from 2010 is entitled 'Music Therapy and Addictions' was edited together with D. Aldridge and published at Jessica Kingsley Press in London, Uk. Currently he serves on the World Federation of Music Therapy as Chair, Publication Commission. 


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