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Chennai School of Music Therapy

Taking Traditions to Clinical Practice

Veleer Erp Advisory and Consulting

Chennai Music Therpay

 The Programme  is   foundational, conducted online and designed  to train  the participants on  music therapy basics and principles, methods and procedures  on theoretical level apart from  introducing  Indian music healing systems and the ways it could be integrated into contemporary music therapy practice.  

Further, this foundational training programme prepares and motivates  the students to take up  the one year  course on music therapy offered by the School (PGDMT)  to begin clinical practice. 

The CPMT course participants can switch over to the PGDMT program after successful completion of the course. The switch over is permissible only  within a maximum period of  one year from the completion  date of CPMT course in which the participant has enrolled. All CPMT candidates do not automatically get switched over to PGDMT. Only those who are  fulfilling the eligibility criteria fixed for the PGDMT program and clearing the interview and audition will be eligible for transfer.  The students have to surrender the CPMT certificate in order to proceed to take up the I semester exams of PGDMT upon switch over from CPMT to PGDMT



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