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Chennai School of Music Therapy

Taking Traditions to Clinical Practice

Veleer Erp Advisory and Consulting

CPMT Certificate

On successful completion of the course,  CSMT awards a certificate for having been trained on foundational aspects of music therapy.  The students will be evaluated by both formative and summative assessments. They have to take up an online  examination  at the end of the  6 months course to get the CPMT certificate. 

Those  who switch over to PGDMT within one year of takingup CPMT have to surrender the CPMT certificate  to complete the I semester examination of PGDMT and continue to get into the  second semester and level II internship training ( Practicum training) to practice as a  music therapist.

Students who have not cleared the CPMT online examinations in the first time are given two more opportunities to clear the exams to get the certificate. Totally after three attempts, if the students have not been able to clear the exams they are not eligible for certificate. 

Non-graduates who are taking up the CPMT course cannot switch over to PGDMT program. 

Non graduates who are taking up the CPMT course cannot switch over to PGDMT. Afer completion of the bachelor's degree, they have to enroll separately for the PGDMT program.


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