Request for appointment

Chennai School of Music Therapy

Taking Traditions to Clinical Practice

Veleer Erp Advisory and Consulting

Duration and Time of the programme

The duration of the program is six months. The class duration is around 4 to 6 hours per week on designated  week days between 7.30  pm to 9.30 pm.  We also offer a week end CPMT course  and the current batch began in July 2022  and classes are provided on  saturdays and sundays. The classes are held for the week end batch in the forenoon of the weekend.  The induction program is usually only in the evenings.  Participants have to be present physically online for all the classes. 80 percent attendance is mandatory to get  the certificate. If the attendence criteria is not met with, participants will not get a certificate.

Our next batch of CPMT commences on 13 8 2022 which is a week day  batch held between 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Our next week end batch of CPMT commences on 22 01 2022.



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